Esquire: "Ticknor... is a work brilliantly crafted to deliver its revelations and redemptions. It is stylish and slim, but original, and full of feeling." ...more

The New York Sun: "Ticknor is one of the year's most enjoyable and formally impressive books." ...more

The Philadelphia Inquirer: "Heti has nominated a worthy addition to the pantheon of the Woebegone. Somewhere, Prufrock is similing through the tears." ...more

San Francisco Chronicle: "a tiny postmodern diamond." ...more

Geist: "The optic nerve is not in evidence in Ticknor, a book that calls out to us to read with our ears and not with our eyes, and proves that the art of narrative remains strong enough to take us anywhere at all." ...more

The Ottawa Citizen: "Heti has proved once again that no matter how congested our literary byways become, she can be counted on to beat a path entirely her own." ...more